Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Anthorax Disease and wild animals CONSERVATION OF KASESE

Kasese  Wild animals ANTHRAX
We have Discovered ethno- drug from asthma weed and consumption of asthma weed. We hope to plant asthma weed around lake regions in kasese Uganda
 Queen Elizabeth National Park and Rwenzori National park in western Uganda have challenge in conservation of The hippopotamus is the third largest land animal after the elephant and the white rhinoceros. Kasese Rivers and lakes have been depleted by climate change and waste from industrial Park so there need for proper scientific reseach and use of indegeneous knowledge.
It derives its name from ancient Greek nomenclature for "river horse." The hippo is a large herbivore found in sub-Saharan Africa and one of the only two extant species from the family hippopotamidae. 
Hippos are semi-aquatic, inhabiting rivers and lakes. The bulls, which are territorial in nature usually preside over a stretch of a river with groups .
During the day, they remain cool by staying in water or mud where reproduction and childbirth both occur. They emerge at dusk to graze on grass. While hippos rest near each other in the water, grazing is a solitary activity.
Between June- July 119 Hipos died where research  account 82 hipos old and 37 young Hipos died with account due to an outbreak of anthrax at the Queen Elizabeth National Park.
What causes Anthrax in Kasese Uganda
Anthrax is an acute disease caused by the bacteria bacilus anthracis. Most forms of the disease are lethal, affecting both humans and animals. There are effective vaccines against anthrax, and some forms of the disease respond well to antibiotic treatment.
KARC RESEARC 2009 Anthrax can be treated by asthma weed. Due poor conservation and climate all wild animals are project to have severe anthorax in next Twenty years in Uganda and DRC.All wild animals depend on natural herbal or treat themselves by eating herbal plants.All Herbal plants have disappeared from fragile ecosystems.
This should only done by very qualified herbal medicine practioners when the sick animals are completely isolated from the rest of the animals.
½ kg of asthma weed plus bulb of galic, pound add litre of water and squeeze.
Application: give aglass of the above solution with 2 fruits of chili peper times 2 for 3 days

Uganda  monitoring and research on wild nature is still low. Wild animals are treating themselves depending on wild herbal plants. Wild  animals are generally resistant to disease because of their thick skin, but anthrax which is a soil bone disease, commonly affects them because of their grazing habits. We Hope to use herbal plants to treat wild animals. Despite of environmental depletion in kasese ,her plants have dried out in National parks in Uganda .we project that when all herbal plants dry anthorax shall increase by 80%.
Carnivores living in the same environment may become infected by consuming infected animals. Sick animals can spread anthrax to humans either by direct contact or consumption of the dead animal. .leopards and elephants are project to have been affected.
The  poachers in Kasese and Bushanyi Districts died after eating dead thorax Hipos as well as communities.
Therefore all wild animals are to have life if we go by KARC Research, However we call for assistance for our project to help wild life in our country.
contact us for more information 

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