Tuesday, February 15, 2011

kasese health risk -cholera,poor latrines kasese

kasese District is to recieve massive cholera outbreak,we conducted survellence  in december 2010 wider population in kasese dont use latrines rather use the bushes around families see latrine above.
subcounties affected includes muhokya,lake katwe,lake regions,kasese manicipal council,kitswamba,HIMA,kyarumba,kyondo,munkunyu,kisinga,nyakiyumbu,karambi,mpondwe,katolu,mahangu,bugoye,karusandara.
NEXT 5 years kasese is to recieve cholera out break
The main objective of a sanitation system is to protect and promote human health by providing a clean environment and breaking the cycle of disease. In order to be sustainable, a sanitation system has to be not only economically viable, socially acceptable, and technically and institutionally appropriate, it should also protect the environment and the natural resources

  • Uganda wide some 7.6 million people without access to any kind of improved sanitation

  • 2.2 million deaths caused by sanitation-related diseases and poor hygienic conditions

  • most affected group: children under the age of 5

  • progress towards the MDG in sanitation is much too slow, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa

  • sanitation rarely receives the required attention and priority by politicians and civil societies alike despite its key importance on many other sectors and for achieving most of the MDGs

  • the political will has been largely lacking when it comes to place sanitation high on the international development agenda

  • bee keeping kasese

    Noah forest action in kasese